Shit-flow diagram (SFD) Lite report in Narok town, Kenya

Narok town is Narok county’s capital city which is the largest city on the way to Maasai Mara National Reserve from Nairobi. It became a municipality in October 2019 due to the rapidly growing population. Figure 2 shows the official municipality boundary and demographical data from the latest census in 2019. The municipality covers the area of Narok Township (Narok Town & Oleleshwa), Nkareta (Nkareta, Naisuya & Olopito) and part of Ololulunga ward (Ereteti & Nkoben) (Narok County, 2021. The population and the number of households are 117,609 and 31,757 respectively.

60% of excreta generated is safely managed and the rest (40%) is unsafely managed. The safely managed excreta originate from FS contained - not emptied (32%), wastewater delivered to treatment and treated (2%) and FS delivered to treatment and treated (26%). The unsafely managed excreta originate from wastewater delivered to treatment but not treated (1%), wastewater not delivered to treatment (1%), FS delivered to treatment but not treated (1%), FS not delivered to treatment (9%), FS not contained - not emptied (14%) and open defecation (16%).
